You move
Is a fun, effective program for KIDS
The Youth Movement Skills (YouMove) program has been designed for girls, and those identifying as girls, who may not see themselves as “sporty”. It’s a way for them to gain movement proficiency in a fun, non-threatening environment. The program promotes a body-positive atmosphere, focusing on things we can do with our bodies rather than what our bodies look like.
Throughout the YouMove program, students are introduced to different methods of physical activity led by trained professionals. Each week, students practice safe warm-up and cool-down practices that target movement proficiency and reduce the risk of injury. After the term is complete, students will have been exposed to a range of exercise modes, using a range of equipment that is not generally available in a school setting. This includes weight and martial arts training, and functional movement skills. To determine any changes in students’ abilities and perceptions throughout the period, physical and self-assessment tasks will be given on week 1 and week 10. The overall aim is to gain government funding for a full program across multiple years. Therefore, this small pilot program will be documented and utilised as a test case to submit for grants.
For detailed information on what's in the program, click the below button "More Information" or weatch the YouTube information video below.