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I eat two eggs most days for breakkie, so small contributions like this make a massive difference!

Change it up - Avoid plateau!

Did you know that if you do the same things all the time you'll hit a plateau?

In my last post, I listed The Big 5 Strength Exercises ([view the post by clicking here] that will keep you safe while building muscle and avoiding a plateau in results.

Today we dive into my favourite variations of the bent over row, deadlift, and bench press. Don’t worry if you don’t know what the names are! Shoot me an email, or simply chuck the terms into google and you’ll get good examples.

Most important first – Rows > first exercise to try is a Bent Over Row, then you could try:

  1. Seated row (mid-upper back)

  2. Face pulls (mid-upper back)

  3. Single arm row (mid back)

  4. Bench pull (mid-back)

  5. Decline bench pull (mid-lower back)

All of these require a strong stable position so we can work on the mid and upper back. All of them work the rear and middle deltoids (shoulder muscles), all of them work the biceps.

The muscles that open your chest (thoracic extenders and scapula stabilisers – chuck these terms into google for more detail) get worked, while the supporting muscles (hamstrings, glutes and lower back) to hold a contraction to keep us in place. The difference with each is the direction, some train muscles higher up the back (face pulls – use if you need to increase overhead strength for handstands or presses), some train lower down the back (use these if you have shoulder instability, impingement problems or you need to improve your pullups).

Second most important exercise – deadlifts > the first exercise to try is a Conventional Deadlift, then you could try:

  1. Romanian deadlift (glutes and hamstrings)

  2. Arabesque (deep glutes and hamstrings)

  3. Sumo deadlift (glutes and inner thighs)

  4. Good morning (glutes and hamstrings, plus big challenge for upper body posture)

  5. Hip thrust (glutes and hamstrings)

All of these exercises focus on the muscles that support the spine and down the back of the legs, called the posterior chain.

If you have back pain or poor posture, chuck the term “posterior chain strength and mobility exercises” into google and you’ll get some great information. When strengthening your back and legs, too much tightness is as bad as not enough, so combine your strength work with stretching for a happy body.

Third most important exercise – bench press > the first variation is Neutral Grip, then you could try:

  1. Decline (pec major and triceps)

  2. Wide grip (pecs)

  3. Narrow grip (triceps)

  4. Single arm (pecs and triceps)

  5. Incline (pec minor and triceps)

All versions work the shoulders (deltoids) and triceps. And all of them should work the muscles you work in a row (mid back). In a bench press, the muscles of your back need to hold a contraction, keeping the shoulder blades in place. This is why I recommend building rowing strength before bench press strength. If your chest gets stronger than your shoulders, you’re at greater risk of caveman posture, which usually results in impingement problems in the front or top of the shoulders. If you want a challenge, lift with your feet on the bench. To lift heavy and do the best job sharing across all muscles, lift with your feet on the ground (or on plates), squeeze your lower abs and butt and push down through your heels.

By following the order of the Big 5 Strength exercises and using different variations every 1-2 months, you’ll avoid some injuries and keep your body from hitting a plateau, all while getting stronger.

Next week I will go through the last two exercises of my Big 5 (overhead press and lat pulldown). If you have questions or want more info, hit me up in training or shoot me an email!

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